
- Blanc
- Allogène (après 1900)
- < 2 Ha
originates in the vast geographic region between Corsica, Sardinia,
Tuscany, Piedmont (where it is known as Favorita) and Liguria (known as
Pigato). It takes its name from the Italian fermento, in reference to
the sparkling character of its young wines.
In Switzerland, this variety, sensitive to spring frosts and mildew,
produces fruity, aromatic wines, but it is hardly grown at all.
Associated names :
Favorita, Pigato, Rolle

- Rouge
- Allogène (après 1900)
- < 2 Ha
origin of this variety has been much written about. It was introduced
to California from Austria under the name Zinfandel in the early 19th
century. In the 1970s, it was identified with Primitivo in Pouilles,
where it was introduced from Croatia in the late 18th century. In 2011,
its original name in Croatia was found: Tribidrag. DNA tests have also
shown that it's a parent of Plavac Mali, the most widely grown red grape
variety in Croatia.
In Switzerland, this early variety with high alcohol levels has only a
minimal presence.
Associated names :

- Rouge
- < 2 Ha
Other red

- Blanc
- Indigène
- < 2 Ha
A crossing between Bronner (a German varietal) and Gamaret, the white Divona grape is the result of 20 years of patient and meticulous selection by Agroscope. The Divona has a very good wine potential and a resistance to gray rot thanks to Gamaret. The grape of the Bronner protects it strongly against the mildew and the powdery mildew (diseases caused by mushrooms).
Divona (codename IRAC 2060) was selected among thousands of applicants on the basis of both vine and wine criteria: disease resistance, adaptation to climate, production capacity and sugar content. This new grape shares the same parents as the red Divico who is already enjoying a promising development.

- Rouge
- Allogène (après 1900)
- < 2 Ha
probably originates from somewhere between Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna
(I). It wasn't until after the phylloxera crisis in the late 19th
century that it became widespread in Piedmont, particularly in the Alba
and Asti regions. A productive variety, producing wines that are rich in
colour and alcohol, with minimal cultivation in Switzerland.